Day To Day things happening at NMAMIT with me, and around me.
Day01 - 04/08/2023 :
Day36 - 08/09/2023 :
- (0900)Math class - slept, couldn’t understand anything… Probability and Statistics.
- (0950)Data Structures class - well, enjoyed it. Learned to convert an infix expression to its postfix form.
- (1115)Technical talk by Mr.Piyush Goel, Capillary Technologies.
- (1300)Onam celebration
Check out the Images
- (2200)Came across The Linux Foundation beginner’s course.
- Applied for the Software Engineer Intern opportunity at Microsoft.
- (2305)Came across markdown, a text markup language used for documentation. Beautiful. There is an open-source guide to it, Markdown Guide.
- There’s FEWD Lab Exam on Upcoming Tuesday, 12/09/23.
Here are the MSE-I and MSE-II dates:
Day37 - 09/09/2023 :
- (1215)Had math class, got cancelled. Been learning to evaluate a postfix expression. Changed the theme of bro’s Ubuntu to a MacOS Ventura, lookin’ good.
- (1300)A Sona Shanivara, going to The Temple, to volunteer.
Day43 - 15/09/2023 :
- (0706)Health is very important. Maintain it. Have a real bad cramp right now, in the hips. Have to take a holiday, I guess. Had had it once during college admissions, 3rd August, 2023.
- (1708)Went to college with that “mild” pain. Would have missed a lot if I hadn’t. Ideas, from Shweta Ma’am; Amazing Math class with Ananth, and Sampath Sir’s MultiThreading in Java.